Have you ever scrolled endlessly through social media or surfed the internet for hours at a time, not realizing how much time you have wasted. That should be a lot of us – and even I have to confess that I have fallen victim to many of these time-wasting traps.

My introduction to AP classes brought my education to a new level. I’d always been a talented If you want to beat these distractions, here are the 3 tips you need to follow to become more productive and manage your time better:

Tip #1: Make a schedule and stick to it.

Creating a schedule either online or on paper is a good place to start. Examples of schedules include Google Calendar, Notion, or a simple paper planner but the important part is having it written down. Using a calendar can help you to plan out your time, block out time to work on tasks, remember deadlines, and let other people know when you do not want to be disturbed (there is a do not disturb/busy option on most online calendars). Be sure to start every day productively by looking at your schedule, and most importantly sticking to it so as not to fall into complacency and not garner results.

Tip #2: Create To-Do Lists and prioritize tasks.

Challenging yourself is key to developing your skills and growing as a person. But it’s not always easy to find the perfect classes and activities to do so. Online solutions like Spotivity can greatly Creating daily to-do lists informs you of what you need to complete and what you need to prioritize. Whether you prefer an online format, such as an online notepad, or a regular sheet of paper, to-do lists help you know what to do when you are trying to make the most of your day. Make your to-do list the night before, so you wake up fresh and early in the morning ready to tackle the day’s work.

Tip #3: Minimize distractions.

Distractions, such as electronics and social media, friends, and even pets, usually are the reasons some are not productive and cannot manage their time adequately. The answer to beating distractions is simple – get rid of them. Turn your phone off or set it on do not disturb, set time limits for different apps that you are prone to wasting time on, and while you may not be able to get rid of your pets it can help letting friends take care of them once in a while.

Time management can be difficult. Check out the Spotivity app if you need assistance with time management. Spotivity is a fantastic tool for organizing extra curricular activities and for managing your time effectively. Spotivity helps you manage your time by allowing you to organize your activities.

Overall, to follow these tips to maximize productivity and stop wasting time!

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About Spotivity

Be #neverbored again by using the spotivity app and find activities that fit your needs.  We help you find programing that can lead to your passion.  Whether that is an art program to practice graffiti, a sports program to engage in competition, an education support class to improve your grades, or just finding someone to talk to – spotivity has your back.  Backed by research and continually informed by users, spotivity is the tool to help you unlock your world and expand the list of options you can take advantage of.  

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